Platform API Consumption

Platform APIs allow you to consume APIs that interact directly with the As with other APIs, you must register an application and add a platform API.

Register the Platform API

You start by registering an application on FusionCreator that includes a platform API.

Follow the Application Wizard, and, at the API registration step, add a platform API.

Select platform APIs during the Application Registration.

Select platform APIs during the Application Registration.

Generate the Credentials

After you registered the application and added a platform API, generate the credentials that you use to retrieve the access token using the platform channel. The details on how to generate them are given in My Dashboard.

The Oauth2 credentials of an application with platform APIs.

The Oauth2 credentials of an application with platform APIs.

With the application credentials, you request the access token through the OAuth2 client credentials grant flow.

For more information on how to get the access token with Postman, check out the Client Credentials Tutorial from the Get Started guide.

Develop with Platform APIs

While your application is in development stage, you experiment with platform APIs. Use the generated credentials in the Platform channel to get the access token.

Platform APIs use different tenants for each stage of your application. To work with the platform APIs in development, use the tenant platform-dev. Credentials for the Platform channel will only provide you with access to the platform-dev tenant. Consent is automatically granted, similarly to sandbox for product APIs.

Consume Platform APIs

When you promote your application to UAT and production, you consume platform APIs. To get the access token, use the corresponding tenant - platform-uat or platform-prod.

The consent to access an UAT or a production tenant is granted automatically.

Working with platform APIs in development is free of charges. When you promote your application from development to UAT or Production, charges apply.