FusionFabric.cloud Community

FusionFabric.cloud Community is the user forum that accompanies FusionCreator.

To access it, click Community from the top navigation bar, and use the same credentials as with FusionCreator to log into it.

Access FusionFabric.cloud Community from the top navigation bar

Access FusionFabric.cloud Community from the top navigation bar

The forum is organized in three sections.

Explore the FusionFabric.cloud Community sections

Explore the FusionFabric.cloud Community sections


This is the place where you directly ask your questions about everything you experience with FusionCreator. This section is permanently monitored, and it’s the official support channel for the platform.


Post your ideas in this section.

You must be logged into FusionFabric.cloud Community to be able to post questions or ideas.

Articles and News

Watch out for this section to stay updated with the latest news.