Join the Platform

Who can apply

Who can apply to join the Platform

Have a Look Around

Feel free to look around on FusionCreator and ask questions before you sign up. Use the Contact Us form to reach us for further information.

Sign Up

Registering as a developer is free, unless you represent or work for a financial institution. After your registration is accepted, you will have access to the development and production services and you can publish your app on the FusionStore.

To sign up

  1. Click Register from the FusionCreator navigation bar to go to the registration form.
  2. The team may then contact you to request more details about your own business or proposed app).
  3. Upon successful registration, you will receive the authentication details by email.

Create Apps

You develop apps using your preferred development tools. For this you need first to register an application on FusionCreator.

Learn more about this process from Platform Deep Dive.

You promote your application through various stages from Development to Test(UAT) to Production.

To read more about the application promotion stages, see Application Lifecycle and Multitenancy on Platform Deep Dive.

Get Support

In case you need support when developing your app, we may contact you by email, phone or set up a Slack channel. This will be done on a case-by-case basis.


There are two components to security:

  • Apps, in development, testing or production tenants.
  • The platform itself.

In development, apps are self-contained, but access a common Sandbox tenant. In testing and production, apps are hosted by your company, which is responsible for the security of the app.

Governance around is tiered to levels of data access.

Below are examples of the activities included in certain tiers:

  • Security questionnaire
  • Automated static app security testing and software composition analysis
  • Secure design reviews and manual code reviews
  • Penetration testing

Read more about these activities in App Validation Process.